In addition to the blog, social networking can provide an avenue for defero to appear accessible to its potential clients and let them tap into company happenings. Sites such as
Facebook and
Twitter make it particularly easy to set up and maintain a company account. A good page only requires following your branding standards and keeping with your corporate message, along with regular maintenance and updates by an assigned marketing or P.R. representative.
Facebook is a great way to stay on your potential or current client's radar. You can create a profile page with corporate information, pictures, calendar reminders, daily news feed and live feed updates. You can also create a fan site in which users can become a "fan" of defero. On both the profile pages and the fan pages, networking occurs through "friending" of contacts, a referrals application, and basic search using key words, location, affiliations or email addresses. Not only is Facebook accessible and easy to use, but it's considered a more professional and respectable social networking site than most, if not all, of its predecessors.
Twitter is a social media tool similar to Facebook's "updates" feature. It provides a forum for short and concise text-based blurbs rather than full-fledged profiles or fan pages. You can collect contacts as "followers," but there is no official invitation system or private inbox capability as with Facebook. The benefits of corporate "tweeting" are similar to that of Facebook "updates," which is that it maintains your visibility to your clients. However, "tweeting" is much more casual and less of a commitment than a full scale update or email blast.
A good option is to combine and link the company Facebook and Twitter accounts. This means that every Facebook "update" will also appear as a "tweet" or Twitter feed. Thanks to the ease of use and versatility of these applications, these messages will appear on desktops, laptops, handheld devices, blackberries and some plain old cell phones of your semi-tech-savvy potential clients.
Easy access to defero's social networking accounts should be provided on the company homepage. Having these applications linked to your website can keep those one-time visitors continually tapped in and connected to current defero happenings, even if they never return to the site. Illustrated below is a mouse-over feature that could be utilized on the homepage:

Clicking on the icons would bring the user to the following separate Social Networking page. This page would contain direct links to the corporate accounts and allow the user to easily follow defero's profiles with their own account:
A strong presence in the social networking world can solidify and boost defero's brand recognition and status as a reputable and open company. There is added incentive and reason for defero to maintain a strong presence in this field, being that these are the very tools and applications you are marketing yourselves as beings "experts" in. By showing how a company can properly utilize social networking to maintain and establish their brand and "unleash their message," defero will essentially sell itself as its own success story. The ultimate goal of all this connectivity and accessibility will be to begin dialogues with potential business clients, which will eventually ensure the commercial viability of the defero enterprise.